Friday, November 28, 2014

Keep It Local

Black Friday got you down? Yeah, that's one trend we'd just as soon see disappear.

But there is an holiday shopping alternative to the traffic and craziness at the mall. Keep it local this holiday season and enjoy these down-home events and pop-up shopping. You'll find locally made crafts- maybe even have a chance to shop inside a geodesic dome!
I'm sure there are many more- just troll the interwebs for Small Business Saturday...

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It's a Travel Show

Two Wheel Oklahoma is a television travel show featuring the motorcycle rides of Brad Mathison and Rex Brown along the scenic highways and backroads of Oklahoma.

Each episode highlights a stretch of road or historic route and explores unique destinations along the way. Tune in three times a week on the Cox Channel.

We hope you'll come ride along.

Brad and Rex: co-hosts of Two Wheel Oklahoma